SAMSUNG: A PSA For Creative Pals
A PSA For Creative Pals was commissioned by Samsung Australia as apart of our long term partnership on their Do What You Can’t campaign. Throughout the campaign period my approach was to address the obstacles that we set for ourselves as creatives, and to reduce the toxicity of our inner critics.
This short is an address of the taxing nature of being creative at a time where it feels like everyone is working non-stop, and my own experience with creative block in 2017. The most important thing I learned after burning out and the basis for this short was that sometimes the solution to being able to create again is far from slugging it in the studio - it’s to give yourself time to breathe, and to put space between yourself and your work.
I directed, edited and animated in collaboration with Rocket K Weijers who photographed, produced the music and designed sound for this project.

A PSA for Creative Pals #DoWhatYouCant
Source – https://youtu.be/lNvXeofV8_I